Manipal International Symposium on Design (MiSD) | School of Design & Architecture

Architecture and Architectural Technology: Design Challenges in Protecting the Past and Creating the Future
Conference Overview
The challenges facing architecture and the construction industry, particularly with regards to building performance in the face of climate change and its effects on global realities, will require significant changes in the way design professionals think and work. These challenges are formidable, and the industry must address ambitious targets to mitigate these contemporary issues, which will impact the design, construction, and use of all building typologies. These will be applicable not only to new buildings, but also to the retrofitting of existing buildings, their interior design, and buildings considered important from the cultural and historical point of view. The aim is to achieve greater energy efficiency while minimising the impact of carbon, improve the safety and performance of buildings in use, and the efficiency and effectiveness of design and construction methods utilising advanced technologies (such as robotics and modern methods for off-site manufacture and assembly, etc.). To achieve these objectives, technology will play an increasingly important role in design and building construction. Architectural Technology, in particular, will be central in changing design realisation to meet environmental and economic challenges and optimise production and performance. Architectural Technology is an essential part of Architectural Design, and it helps to ensure that creative design and technological solutions result in efficiently and effectively constructed buildings that meet user needs, environmental sustainability, regulatory requirements, in addition to budgetary constraints.
MiSD 2024 aims to address these issues and will be of interest to academics and professionals alike. The conference is divided into sub-themes that are interrelated, with a focus on protecting the past and creating the future. Presentations of papers and posters are encouraged to share knowledge on how these challenges are being addressed.
Conference Presentations
Papers are invited in the following sub-themes:
Sub-theme A: Building Structure, Fabric, Services and Technology
Architecture and the built environment can never function without a well-integrated system of structure, fabric and services that literally creates a living building.
Today, one cannot imagine a building performing without access to internet, air conditioning, security systems, artificial lighting, or circulation systems of lifts, escalators and many other mechanical, electrical and plumbing services. This becomes much more complex with high-rise structures and the prevalent concern of sustainable practices.
With the recent experience of the pandemic and the recurring natural disasters such as earthquakes and cyclones, the art and science of building, structure, and integrated services have taken on several challenges, and technological efforts are in place to make life habitable for affected populations and the changing climatic conditions. It is difficult to quantify the scale and impact on the design of buildings, but it is obvious that this has changed the way people work and use buildings and places. Climate impacts design and designers must consider many aspects including the impact of rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and shifting temperature patterns on building design. Design, buildings, climate change, and technology are interconnected in several ways. Design can help mitigate the impact of climate change: buildings and urban environments contribute significantly to global carbon emissions. Designers can adopt sustainable design strategies such as passive solar heating and cooling, green roofs, and renewable energy systems to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings.
Technology can support sustainable architecture and design. Smart building technologies can optimise energy use and reduce waste. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) can help architects and designers visualise and optimise building design. Technology can help monitor and mitigate the impact of climate change on buildings. For example, smart sensors and monitoring systems can help detect and mitigate the impact of climate change on buildings, by detecting water leaks or air quality issues. By leveraging technology and sustainable design strategies, architects and designers can help mitigate the impact of climate change on buildings and the environment.
Based upon the above, papers are invited in the following areas:
-Building services and sustainable vertical urbanisation
-Super tall building design and technology
-Natural disasters and resilient structures
-Façade design, technology and evolution
-Design innovation and smart constructionSub-theme B: Innovative Technologies and the Future of Design
Technology largely contributes to the practice of design and its impact on society. With access to global data, research evidence and the ability to communicate instantaneously, no matter the distance, all of this has drastically changed the profession. Technology has changed the way we design, for example Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools, VR, AR and Artificial Intelligence (AI) related software and digital twins have made it easier to bridge the gap between vision and reality, create unique and complex shapes, and convey information in ways that have never been envisioned or attempted before. Digital Twins create more than BIM or a 3D model, they are a data resource that can help improve the design and understanding of new as well as existing asset conditions. Various simulations and scenarios can be tested using Digital Twins technologies.
Enhancing the quality of living and its impacts on communities in the future can sometimes be in direct conflict with the dependency on highly serviced and complex systems. However, these dependencies can also have unintended consequences and potential negative impacts on communities and the environment.
Based upon the above, papers are invited in the following areas:
-Development of innovative structures
-BIM, collaborative working and co-design
-Digital design
-The application of Digital Twins in the built environmentSub-theme C: Design and Architecture for Society
Design as a discipline, has always stood as a representation of society, reflecting its values, successes, and choices. At its roots, design exists to create the physical environment in which people live, but a building is more than just the built environment, it is also part of place making and our culture and stands as a representation of how we see ourselves, as well as how we see the world. Globally, we now have the facilities to connect seamlessly, allowing for a wide range of ideas and cultural backgrounds to influence a project. While designing for function is certainly crucial, it is important to tap into the emotive connection as well – creating a sense of experiential design. Designing with adaptability and flexibility in mind is also important in today's rapidly changing world. Spaces need to be designed to be adaptable and responsive to evolving needs, technologies, and lifestyles. This requires a forward-thinking approach that anticipates changes and provides spaces that can be easily transformed and repurposed over time.
Based upon the above papers are invited in the following areas:
-Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in Design and Architecture
-Designing flexible buildings and cities
-Designing spaces to enhance cognitive flexibility and creativity
-Effect of familiarity and stressful events on cognition in changing environmentsSub-theme D: The Future of Design and Design Pedagogy
Looking towards the future of design and its impact on society, we anticipate technology to continue to have a large impact, but believe that it is imperative that we continue to understand the complexity of human relationships to various types of built environments. While being practical, design needs to create a sense of wondering and impact every single person at individual and community level. The metaverse has most certainly opened doors to virtual explorations and existence – the true question here is, are we ready to make this non-pragmatic switch?
Design impacts cultures, psychology, and innovation – all cogs of the intrinsic need to teach and learn. Design pedagogies are adapting to these changes, while maintaining the fundamental philosophies – there is an inherent quest to create greater architecture. There are countless ways that architects and architectural technologists can continue to develop the professions and respond to the changing needs of society. We just need to step up to the challenge, believing we are capable of devising and developing apt strategies and transformational routes.
It is recognised that the wider construction industry will go through significant change in response to the challenges identified in various published reports, impacting on design professionals’ diversity, adaptability, agility, and specialisation. The education provision within design will need to evolve to reflect the changing context and currency, to become more diverse, with a growth in specialisation and an increasing need for specialists.
Based upon the above, papers are invited in the following areas:
-Technology, design and design pedagogy in a post-COVID era
-Developing Design education for the metaverse generation
-Architectural practices, processes and performance- Sub-theme E: Technology and Retrofitting Buildings
Retrofitting involves making improvements or upgrades to an existing building or structure to improve its functionality, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Technology can play a significant role in retrofitting, as new technologies can be implemented to improve building performance and reduce energy consumption.
Smart building systems can use sensors and automation to optimise energy and improve building performance, especially if it is an existing building or structure. Solar panels, green roofs, and energy-efficient windows can be added to existing buildings to reduce energy consumption and increase sustainability.
These technologies can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable built environment. Contemporary 3D scanning and modelling tools can enable architects and builders to accurately capture the dimensions and details of existing buildings, which can then be used to design and plan for the new use of the space.
Additionally, 3D printing can be used to create custom components for the building that may be difficult to source through traditional means. The use of VR and AR in the design process can allow designers and clients to experience the space in a virtual environment, making it easier to visualise and make decisions about the final design. The application of digital twins in the built environment can provide live data about the buildings to enable efficient operation and maintenance of assets.
The majority of the building stock is existing and the challenges facing designers to retrofit such a vast range of building typologies globally is both complex and complicated but the structure, fabric and services all need to be assessed prior to retrofitting to improve performance
Based upon the above, papers are invited in the following areas:
-Assessing buildings for retrofit design
-Challenges retrofitting existing buildings
-External retrofitting to existing facades
-Digital Twins and retrofit design
Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS Indexed Journal.
Abstract Guidelines:
All submissions must include a structured abstract, following the format outlined below. These four sub-headings and their accompanying explanations must always be included:
- Purpose
- Design/methodology/approach
- Findings
- Originality
The maximum length of your abstract should be 250 words in total, including keywords and article classification.
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